Senior Pets and Pain

When your pet is starting to reach old age, it’s important to start paying closer attention to the little things. Subtle changes to their behavior might signal an underlying problem with their health or it could be a sign that they’re in pain.

Pay Attention to Subtle Changes

It's the little changes that tell us so much when it comes to the health and condition of an aging pet. They might not make a fuss or make it clear to you that something is wrong, especially if they’re already quite slow on their feet. Only by paying attention and picking up on those small things will you be able to notice that something is not quite right.

The Key Signs to Look Out For

There are some signs in particular that you should be on the lookout for if you’re worried about your senior pet and any pain they might be experiencing. Here are some of the things in particular that might signal to you that’s something’s wrong.

Reluctance to Play

You might notice that your pet isn’t quite interested in playing as they once were. This is a telltale sign that something is holding them back and preventing them from wanting to play.

Avoidance of Stairs

It's sometimes the case that pets start to avoid stairs when they have a mobility issue. If they don’t feel confident in making it up or down stairs, they’ll simply stop trying altogether.

Decreased Appetite or Thirst

Another thing you’ll start to notice if your pet has a problem is a reduced appetite. If they’re not eating all their food anymore or not drinking as much water as they should be, the chances are something is not right.

Difficulty Finding a Comfortable Position

If your pet is experiencing pain in a particular part of their body, they’ll start to avoid putting pressure on that area. This might become noticeable in how they find it difficult to achieve a comfortable sitting or lying position.

Lapses in Litter Box/House Training

It’s hard to ignore when your pet starts to have accidents around the home, especially when they’ve been fully house trained for many years. It’s another sign that there might be a health problem present.


There are many reasons why your pet might start to shy away from socializing. But if they’re actively hiding, it could mean there’s a health issue and it should be discussed with your vet.

Excessive Panting

Panting is quite normal in certain dog breeds, but if it’s a new phenomenon or it’s happening in a way that seems excessive or unhealthy, it’s something that’s worth having your vet explore in more depth.

If you notice any of the problems mentioned above, it’s a good idea to take your dog to a vet and have them checked over. When it comes to senior pets, it’s always best to be cautious and to take action as soon as a problem arises. If you suspect your senior pet may be in pain, be sure to contact Katy Veterinary Clinic, the best vet clinic in Katy, TX, to get treatment as soon as possible.